140 Alumni Way, Flat Rock, NC 28731



Hours: M-F 8:30am-1:30pm

Reproduction Services

The following information applies to the reproduction of items in the collection for public display or publication. Students, community members, and researchers do not need permission to access or use the items in our collections for personal or academic research unless otherwise stated by the donor(s). Information regarding access and reproduction can be found for each collection on its corresponding finding aid.

Blue Ridge Community College Archive and Special Collections strives to make collections accessible, both physically and virtually. However, just because an item is in our collections does not mean the Archive owns the copyright for it, and the Archive does not assume responsibility for literary property, including copyright, or any other legal property involved in reproduction and/or publication of any item in its collections. Users assume all responsibility for obtaining reproduction or publication permission from the proper copyright holder. The Archive also reserves the right to accept or reject any reproduction request depending on the condition of the item, copyright issues, any limitations placed on the item by the donor(s), or other related reasons.

Integrity of Reproduced Materials

Users may not manipulate, edit, crop, or otherwise alter a reproduced item unless otherwise approved in the Use Agreement. Permission to use materials from the Archive are conditional to each approved Use Agreement form. If a user wishes to use an item for a new and/or different reason, they must submit a new Use Agreement for approval.

Citing Materials

When signing the Use Agreement form, users agree to credit and/or cite the materials being used. The majority of our finding aids contain a preferred citation section. In general, the preferred citation is [identification of item], [Name of Collection], Blue Ridge Community College Archive and Special Collections, Blue Ridge Community College.

For photograph credit lines in a publication, users may use the shorthand Courtesy of Blue Ridge Community College Archive and Special Collections.


Materials at Blue Ridge Community College Archive and Special Collections may be protected by copyright. Libraries, archives, and museums may be authorized to make reproductions or copies of certain materials for specific purposes, specifically as it relates to Fair Use. The Archive will determine if requested reproductions will be authorized. Typically, if a user requests the materials for personal or academic study and/or research, such requests are generally approved. If a user uses the reproduced item in a publication, print or web, without permission (either from the Archive or the appropriate copyright holder), uses it for economic gain, or exceeds “fair use” of the item, they may be in violation of copyright. Visit the following websites for more information about Intellectual Property and US Copyright Law.

Reproduction in the Archive and Archive Studio

Not all items in the Archive are able to be scanned or reproduced digitally due to preservation concerns. Anyone wishing for a digital copy of an item in the collection must request permission first. Users are allowed to take photographs of materials (with the flash off) with the permission of the Archive staff. See the Studio Policy for more information.